16 juni 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
For time:
400-m run
12 box jumps, 30”/24”
400-m run
24 box jumps, 24”/20”
400-m run
36 burpees
400-m run

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

15 juni 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
For time:
Thrusters, 42,5kg/30kg
*Rest 5:00

Thrusters, 42.5kg/30kg
*Rest 5:00

Thrusters, 42.5kg/30kg

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

14 juni 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
7 sets for load:
1 snatch balance + 2 overhead squats

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

13 juni 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
20 min EMOM of:
Min. 1 | 1:00 Calorie row
Min. 2 | 0:30 Ring dips
*Score = total reps and calories.

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

12 juni 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
5 rounds for time:
15 deadlifts, 102.5kg/70kg
:30 hanging L-sit hold

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

11 juni 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
For time:
1,600-m run
150 double-unders
50 burpees
800-m run
100 double-unders
35 burpees
400-m run
50 double-unders
20 burpees

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

10 juni 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
Tabata hip extensions
1 min rest
Tabata pull-ups
1 min rest
Tabata single-leg squats
1 min rest
Tabata calories ski erg

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

9 juni 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
3 rounds for reps:
1:00 rope climbs
1:00 weighted sit-ups, 10kg/5kg
1:00 Echo bike
*Rest 1:00

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

8 juni 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
5 rounds for time:
12 hang power clean and jerks, 52.5kg/35kg
9 thrusters, 52.5kg/35kg
6 power snatches, 52.5kg/35kg

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

7 juni 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
9 min AMRAP of:
15 kettlebell swings, 32kg/24kg
15m handstand walk

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.