15 augustus 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
For time: 
Front squats, 70kg/47.5kg
Calorie row
*17-13-8-13-17 calories for women

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

14 augustus 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
For time:
Run 400m
50 Air Squats
Run 400m
50 Push-ups
Run 400m
50 Sit-ups
Run 400m
50 Kettlebell swings, 24kg/16kg

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

13 augustus 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
For time with a partner:
200-m DB farmers carry (15/22.5 kg)
800-m run
200-m DB front-rack carry
40 DB man makers
200-m DB front-rack carry
800-m run
200-m DB farmers carry
*One partner works while the other partner rests, partition reps, carry and run distances as needed.

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

12 augustus 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
6 rounds for time:
6 power snatches, 52.5kg/35kg
9 overhead squats, 52.5kg/35kg
12 box jump-overs, 24”/20”

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

11 augustus 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
16 min EMOM of:
Minute 1 | :30 calorie bike
Minute 2 | :30 GHD sit-ups
Minute 3 | :30 calorie bike
Minute 4 | :30 toes-to-bar

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

10 augustus 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
5 x 2:00 rounds for reps:
Run 200-m
Max hang squat cleans, 70kg/47.5kg
*No rest between rounds.

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

9 augustus 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
3 rounds for reps:
2:00 pull-ups
2:00 shoulder presses, 42.5kg/30kg
2:00 calorie row
*Rest 1:00 after each movement.

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

8 augustus 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
7 sets for load:
1 squat snatch

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

7 augustus 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
For time with a partner:
5,000/4,000-m row
– From 0-2,500/2,000-m resting partner must hold double KB front rack (16/12 kg)
– From 2,500/2,000-5,000/4,000-m resting partner performs a hang on the pull-up bar.

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.

6 augustus 2022: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
Community Saturday – Games Event

Accessory of the week
Zie glassboard in de lounge.