Artikelen door Joyce

19 juni 2019: Workout of the day

Workout of the day As many reps as possible in 12 mins of: 10 Toes-to-bar 5 Burpees 10 Box-jumps, 24″/20″ 5 Bar muscle-ups Challenge of the month Start with 15m farmer walk (2 dumbbells) *Add 15m each day.

18 juni 2019: Workout of the day

Workout of the day “Holleyman” 30 rounds for time of: 5 Wall ball shots, 20/14lbs 3 Handstand push-ups 1 Power Clean, 102.5kg/70kg Challenge of the month Start with 15m farmer walk (2 dumbbells) *Add 15m each day.

13 juni 2019: Workout of the day

Workout of the day 10 rounds for time of: 8/6 Calorie Echo Bike 10 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks 8 Toes-to-Bar * In teams of two. * Switch after a full round is completed. Challenge of the month Start with 15m farmer walk (2 dumbbells) *Add 15m each day.