7 november 2020: Workout of the day

Workout of the day
For time:
10 Dumbbell snatches, 22.5kg/15kg
15 Dumbbell facing burpees
20 Dumbbell snatches, 22.5kg/15kg
15 Dumbbell facing burpees
30 Dumbbell snatches, 22.5kg/15kg
15 Dumbbell facing burpees
40 Dumbbell snatches, 22.5kg/15kg
15 Dumbbell facing burpees
50 Dumbbell snatches, 22.5kg/15kg
15 Dumbbell facing burpees

Challenge of the month
Man Maker Ladder:
1 Dumbbell Man maker
* Voeg elke dag één herhaling toe.

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