27 mei 2018: Newsflash!

Workout of the day (WOD)
For time:
In pairs of two complete:
20 rope climbs (pair)
40 cal row (each)
60 snatches, 60kg/42,5kg (pair)



Week 22 A. B. C.
Maandag Clean pull 3-3-3

* with a 3 sec tempo to above the knee

Clean and Jerk 2-2-2 Front Squat 5-5-5
Dinsdag Tall snatch 3-3-3-3-3 Power snatch 2-2-2 Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3
* with a 3 sec pause in the bottom
Woensdag 1 Clean high pull + 1 Clean Split Jerk 3-3-3-3-3
* with a 2 sec pause in the dip position
Sotts Press 2-2-2-2-2

* front rack

Zaterdag Snatch high pull 2-2-2-2-2 Snatch 3-3-3 Back squat 2-2-2-2-2-2


Week 22 A. B. C.
Maandag 4x
10 Ring dips
5 Pausing ring push-ups
*pause at bottom for 0:05 each rep
10 Scapular protractions
10 Scapular retractions
20 Hollow rocks
Woensdag 5x
10 Strict pull-ups
15 Beat swings
Max effort body rows (band resisted)
30 Supermans
*rest 1:00
Donderdag 5x
12 Handstand push-ups
0:30 Ring support hold2 Conans
Weighted Chinese planks
1:15 Front
1:15 Back
Zaterdag 7x
3 Pausing pull-ups
*Chin over bar for 0:05 each rep
12 One arm dumbbell row
1 Rope climb
30 Hollow rocks
5 Cuban presses


A) 10 rounds of:
1:30 min on
0:30 min rest

B) 1 x 5 min jog



1-3 juni Meridian Regionals, Madrid
8 juni Workshop: thema nog onbekend
16 juni Culinary Ninja Course
21-22 juli CrossFit Level 2 Course


Wist je dat…

  • er door een staking in Brazilië geen equipment kon worden geleverd bij de Latin Regional? En toen alle boxen uit de buurt hun equipment bij elkaar verzameld hebben en daardoor de regionals toch door kon gaan? AMAZING!!!
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